Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Quick Announcement

No not that kind!
Just want to ask everyone, if you got an e-mail from me or inviting you to contribute to the blog, and you see that someone else in the family didn't get this e-mail, please know it's not intentional. I just don't have everyone's e-mail and simply copied the recipients of GG's e-mail last week. Hope that makes sense.

Anyway, if there's a Gavigan, Dwyer, White, Smith, Rasweiler, Collins, O'Hara, Lefkowitz or whoever out there that I've missed and you have their e-mail address, please forward that e-mail to them or let me know and I'll send it. I'm at in case you misplaced Erin and GG's list!
Thanks everyone!
Aunt Joan

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